HPR ep0115 :: Promoting Linux is out

I have a new episode of Hacker Public Radio published and this one is about spreading the word about Linux.

When you are buying any computer component be sure to ask if the item will work with Linux. Do this even if you know the product is 100% supported and has a Tux Logo on it. If they don’t know ask can you return it if it doesn’t. Most stores have a return for any reason policy so it’s usually something they will agree to. Do it even if you are buying items for a Windows or Mac computer. Not only are you spreading the good word but you are leaving your options open for that hardware later on. This has the effect of chalking up the purchases to the Linux column.

When you are buying products on line the same rules apply: fire off an email asking about Linux support and return policy if they don’t know.

You can include Linux on your hardware and software vendors radar even if your employer doesn’t (currently) use Linux. Try and get questions about Linux support added to quotations, RFP’s and discussions. You can justify this as choosing a vendor that supports Linux means you’re technology decisions are ‘future proof’ and it shows that the vendor is serious about providing support for their product.

When talking to vendors ask then about Linux support and if they have none act surprised and inform them that they can get drivers written for free . All this will spread the word to vendors and you can expect that the next versions of product litrature will include information on Linux support. This in turn will trickel up to management that this Linux thing is the next wave as all our vendors are supporting it. At the end of the day we all benifit from better drivers regardless of the OS we currently use.

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